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Bilal Limi
Product Designer
Hey there

Currently, I’m looking to join a design team in Milan to work on awesome products with great people. If you’re hiring, or know someone that is, please reach out to me.

I’m Bilal, a product designer from Italy passionate about everything UX

You already know what I'm doing now, so you'll be much more interested in reading about my journey. At 16 y/o, I wanted to start a blog talking smartphones and tech. That thing led me to learn frontend development and web design.

The "aha" moment

But I quickly realized that I was much more into trying to make things functional and aesthetically pleasing than writing articles, so I decided to drop everything to focus on web design and, later, product design - this is where I found my passion and where I'm now spending my time. If you want, you can follow my journey here:

For the future

I love what I do. Design has always been my passion and I'm always trying to push myself to be better than I was yesterday. Because it's all about creating work that I'm proud of, that can have a positive impact on people. For the better.

Full name

Bilal Limi




Product & Growth Designer


High degree in business and marketing

Design skills

UX, UI, research, Behavioral design, Design systems

Dev skills

HTML, CSS, Javascript, Git, Tailwind

Open to work


A collection of images showing my pets and favorite places
A collection of images showing my pets and favorite places

Drop Me
a Line

Fancy a chat? I’d love to connect - let’s have a coffee, whether it’s for your new exciting project, some design feedback or just for fun. You can reach me on Twitter, email or LinkedIn.